Great sand dunes, co
About Us
Hi, I'm Nicole and I'm the founder of Sequoia Project. Born and raised in the South, I made the move cross country to California in 2022. My background is in Biology, focusing in conservation and environmental studies.
It was in college that I learned about the damage that was being done to our planet and the importance of taking responsibility for fixing it. As a result, I became more conscious of my carbon footprint, diet, and sustainability practices. I went vegan, reduced my carbon footprint, and reduced my use of single-use plastics. However, I felt like I could do more. It wasn't enough for me to just change my own habits, I wanted to make a greater impact to help the wild places that I loved so much.

Rocky Mountains, CO
In early 2022 with the desire to help and my passion for the outdoors, I started to get the idea to create a brand. An apparel and goods brand inspired by the National Parks and our wild places with the central theme of giving back. Hence, Sequoia Project was born.
Sequoia Project was started as a side project with the idea of using sustainable materials and to donate a portion of the profits to reputable conservation organizations that work to protect and preserve natural habitats and wildlife. By choosing sustainable materials, I hope to reduce waste and promote more responsible consumption habits.
I am constantly striving to find ways to be better, do better, and create better. I hope to grow Sequoia Project as a trusted brand and to inspire to explore and be adventurous while respecting our wild places and to always leave it better than we found it.

Black Canyon of the Gunnison, CO
Sequoia Project is ran by myself. Everything from the website design, product design, photography, social media and marketing, shipping and inventory, to the customer service. It's a labor of love for us folks with small businesses!
However, Sequoia Project is only a portion of what I do. In my spare time you can find me volunteering for various organizations and non-profits such as the California State Park System where I assist with trail maintenance and have helped remove invasive species or helping manage wildlife cameras around the Bay Area.
When I'm not doing any of that you can find me in the National Parks as I'm currently on a mission to see all of the National Parks in the US. 16 and counting...
See y'all out on the trails!